Friday, April 17, 2020

Communicative tool

Communicative tools are systems that allow easy communication between teachers and students or between the students outside the physical barrier classroom. It includes the e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, chat, teleconference and electronic whiteboard.  With the use of those multimedia, the learning becomes active, interactive, collaborative and satisfying.

Now, let us look at two different types of communicative tools; synchronous communicative tools and asynchronous communicative tools. Synchronous communicative tools such as chat or video conference enables real-time communication. Whereas asynchronous communicative tools such as e-mail and electronic whiteboard do not require the people to log on in the internet at the same time.

Until now i have been mostly using the synchronous communicative tools such as we-chat, WhatsApp, and video conferencing. I found it using those tools bring positive impact on me particularly the keeping the task up to date. On other side, it gives multiple threads of discussion that makes difficult to follow. Moreover, i lose focus in discussion because of many side discussions in either we-chat or VLE.

lastly, I will share recent task on blogging which is under the asynchronous communicative tool. A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying the information. Or it is a platform where writers share their views on an individual subject. Personally, it encourages the use of internet and power of controlling our own learning.


  1. Well written reflection on communicative tools. Rich in content and relevant examples are clearly mentioned. Usage of attractive images and video gave viewers more information on the tool you are talking about. Well done

  2. Clear reflection of what you understood about the tool. You also have information about your experiences reflecting how you used some of the applications to the most. Your ideas are also supported well with enough examples.

  3. Sonam, You have clearly stated your reflection on the communication tools. it is very precise and well versed.
